... 要意志坚强,要勤奋,要探索,要发现,而且永不屈服,珍惜在我们前进道路上降临的善,忍受我们之中和周围的恶,并下决心去消除它。 赫胥黎 藤黄rattan yellow 象牙黄nude 日光黄sunny yellow ...
最百搭的裸色 (Nude):可令唇形丰厚,任何年龄均适合,但古铜肌或暗疮肌不适用,因为会凸显缺点。
她怀疑,或者甚至扔掉带着的湖泊中的水换上新水;· 比尔·布拉斯(Bill Blass)的纽德(Nude):总觉得多一个人陪、多一个人帮你分担,您就会躲回自己的壳里去,要努力争取和他相伴一生的机会因为当他离开时。
文章摘要信息-- 关键词 : 胰腺肿瘤 肝肿瘤,实验性 蝎毒素 抗肿瘤药 小鼠,裸 [gap=1539] : Pancreatic cancer Liver,experimental Scorpion venom Antitumor drug Mice,nude
Nudity or nakedness is the state of wearing no clothing. Wearing of clothing is a predominantly human characteristic arising from functional needs such as protection from the elements, from cold and heat, after the loss of body hair and migration to colder regions. The amount of clothing worn depends on functional considerations, such as a need for warmth or protection from the elements, and social considerations. In some circumstances, a minimum amount of clothing or none at all may be considered socially acceptable, while in others much more clothing may be expected. Social considerations involve issues of modesty, decency and social norms, besides other considerations, and these may depend on the context. There may also be legal considerations.