... in the long run 从长远看来(归根到底,结局,最后,结果) officious 多管闲事的,非官方的 quarry 采石场,猎获物,出处 ...
... hide vt 隐藏,隐瞒 officious a 爱管闲事的 clearly ad 无疑地,明净地 ...
... 过量的,额外的 n.过量;过剩;超额;无节制:excess 过分殷勤的;好管闲事的;非官方(正式)的:officious 过分的;不适当的;未到期的:undue ...
... OfficiousSalvage未经同意的救助 officious非官方的 offing从岸能望见的远方海面 引水区域界线外附近海面 保持离岸安全距离 ...
A busybody, do-gooder, meddler or marplot is someone who meddles in the affairs of others.An early study of the type was made by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus in his typology, Characters, "In the proffered services of the busybody there is much of the affectation of kind-heartedness, and little efficient aid."Susanna Centlivre wrote a successful play, The Busie Body, which was first performed in 1709 and has been revived repeatedly since. It is a farce in which Marplot interferes in the romantic affairs of his friends and, despite being well-meaning, frustrates them. The characterisation of Marplot as a busybody whose "chief pleasure is knowing everybody's business" was so popular that they appeared as the title character in a sequel, Marplot. The name is a pun — mar / plot — and passed into the language as an eponym or personification of this type.In English law, the doctrine of locus standi requires that a plaintiff have some connection with the matter being contested. In two cases in 1957 and 1996, Lord Denning ruled that "The court will not listen to a busybody who is interfering in things which do not concern him..." Similarly, there is a long-standing rule that a person must have an insurable interest in a property or person that they wish to insure.