on strike
  • 简明
  • 罢工:指工人为争取更高的工资、改善工作条件等而停止工作的集体行动。
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    ... on time(准时) on strike罢工), on watch(监视,观察), ...

  • 2


    ... on strike 在罢工中 on fire 在燃烧中 on Monday 在星期一 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    Half the workforce are now (out) on strike.
  • 2
    He incited the workforce to come out on strike.
  • 3
    Miners in Zambia's northern copper belt have gone on strike.
  • 百科
  • On Strike

    The following is an episode list for the MTV animated television series Beavis and Butt-head. The series has its roots in 1992 when Mike Judge created two animated shorts, "Frog Baseball" and "Peace, Love & Understanding", which were later aired on Liquid Television.In many cases, two eleven-minute episodes aired per 30 minutes with commercials, with a number of music videos interspersed throughout, though in the later seasons, fewer videos meant up to three seven-minute episodes were shown in one half-hour. Extended episodes filled an entire half-hour (or longer) time slot. The list is in original air date order, as production order has not been officially released through any known parties. Many episodes of the series have also been released on DVD, in the form of the Mike Judge Collection DVDs (see related page for a detailed listing).
