...的形式,对于领域内存在的概念提出个人评论1-3 ,可以是一个概念或几个选股归纳的概念,属于二次文献,是大约 2 千字的短文2。 5. 观点(opinion):观点文章传达的是作者对某个研究中解读、分析或使用的方法的看法,让作者可以评论一个理论或假说的优缺点,这类型的文章通常是...
舆论 ; 民意 ; 公众意见
舆论调查 ; 民意测验 ; 民意调查 ; 民意浏验
法律意见书 ; 合法认定 ; 意见书 ; 律师意见书
In general, an opinion is a judgment, viewpoint, or statement about matters commonly considered to be subjective, i.e. based on that which is less than absolutely certain, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. What distinguishes fact from opinion is that facts are verifiable, i.e. can be objectively proven to have occurred. An example is: "United States of America was involved in the Vietnam War" versus "United States of America was right to get involved in the Vietnam War". An opinion may be supported by facts, in which case it becomes an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts. Opinions rarely change without new arguments being presented. It can be reasoned that one opinion is better supported by the facts than another by analyzing the supporting arguments. In casual use, the term opinion may be the result of a person's perspective, understanding, particular feelings, beliefs, and desires. It may refer to unsubstantiated information, in contrast to knowledge and fact.Collective or professional opinions are defined as meeting a higher standard to substantiate the opinion. (see below)