1995年所上映的《 恐怖地带 》( Outbreak)是因为来自非洲的依波拉病毒杀人威力强大,曾是传媒热烈报导的头条新闻.
3、爆发(Outbreak):在一集体单位或小居民区短时 、爆发 : 间内突然发生许多病例的现象。 间内突然发生许多病例的现象。
好莱坞电影《极度恐慌(Outbreak)》(又名《蔓延》、《危机总动员 》、《恐怖地带》)就是以埃博拉病毒作为故事背景的。
[科技] 暴发
疾病○ 暴发(outbreak):指在一个局部地区或集中单位中,短时间内突然有很多相同的病例出现。
萌萌侵略者 ; 萌萌侵略者主题曲 ; 讲谈社轻小说文库刊
全球疫情 ; 全球爆发 ; 全球疫情爆发
代号突击 ; 代号爆发
In epidemiology, an outbreak is an occurrence of disease greater than expected at a particular time and place. It may affect a small and localized group or impact upon thousands of people across an entire continent. Two linked cases of a rare infectious disease may be sufficient to constitute an outbreak. Outbreaks may also refer to epidemics, which affect a region in a country or a group of countries, or pandemics, which describe global disease outbreaks.