... squall : 短暂、突然且猛烈的风暴 palatable 美味的;可口的;好吃的 palatial 宫殿似的;宏伟的;壮丽的 ...
... munch 用力嚼;大声咀嚼 palatable 美味的;顺耳的;怡人的 bargain 便宜货;廉价品 ...
... munch 用力嚼;大声咀嚼 palatable 美味的;顺耳的;怡人的 bargain 便宜货;廉价品 ...
...国的英语单词怎么写/简单的日本单词有关自然灾害的英语单词 用英语描述关于食物的单词美味的:delicious; palatable(可口的)hot , cold , wet , rainy, sunnywarm温暖 hot热的 cool凉爽的 cold寒冷的 rainy下雨的 su变法早,变法彻底、Japan 日本 Japanese...
Palatability is the hedonic reward provided by foods or fluids that are agreeable to the "palate" in regard to the homeostatic satisfaction of nutritional, water, or energy needs. The palatability of a food or fluid, unlike its flavor or taste, varies with the state of an individual: it is lower after consumption and higher when deprived. Palatability of foods, however, can be learned. It has increasingly been appreciated that this can create a hedonic hunger that is independent of homeostatic needs.