[基医] 寄生虫
[生物] 寄生物
星际叙事把Parasite(刊中刊)的空间也占满了, 刘慈欣,韩松和飞氘三篇代表旧作加上困困报道的英译,
...于植物组织内的各种生物(Wilson,1995),以区分那 些生活在植物表面的表生菌(Epiphyte),按此定义,植物的寄生菌(Parasite)、菌根菌 (Mycorrhizalfungi)也归属于内生菌的范畴。
寄生前夜 ; 寄生都市 ; 歌曲出处
巢寄生 ; 幼体寄生
肠道寄生虫 ; 肠寄生虫 ; 肠道寄生虫病 ; 肠内寄生虫
Parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. Traditionally parasite referred primarily to organisms visible to the naked eye, or macroparasites (such as helminths). Parasite now includes microparasites, which are typically smaller, such as protozoans, viruses and bacteria. Some examples of parasites include the plants mistletoe and cuscuta, and animals such as hookworms.Unlike predators, parasites typically do not kill their host, are generally much smaller than their host, and will often live in or on their host for an extended period. Both are special cases of consumer-resource interactions. Parasites show a high degree of specialization, and reproduce at a faster rate than their hosts. Classic examples of parasitism include interactions between vertebrate hosts and tapeworms, flukes, the Plasmodium species, and fleas. Parasitism differs from the parasitoid relationship because parasitoids generally kill their hosts.Parasites reduce host biological fitness by general or specialized pathology, such as parasitic castration and impairment of secondary sex characteristics, to the modification of host behavior. Parasites increase their fitness by exploiting hosts for resources necessary for their survival, e.g. food, water, heat, habitat, and transmission. Although parasitism applies unambiguously to many cases, it is part of a continuum of types of interactions between species, rather than an exclusive category. In many cases, it is difficult to demonstrate that the host is harmed. In others, there may be no apparent specialization on the part of the parasite, or the interaction between the organisms may be short-lived.