/ ˈpeɪtrən /
/ ˈpeɪtrən /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • n.(艺术家的)赞助人,资助者;代言人,名义赞助人;(酒吧、旅馆等的)主顾,顾客;(古罗马)有权势的保护人,庇护人;(古罗马)已获得自由的奴隶的原主人和保护人;<英>有圣职授予权的人(或机构)
  • 【名】 (Patron)(英)佩特伦,(法、意、罗)帕特龙(人名)
    • 复数

  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1



  • 2



  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    Frederick the Great was the patron of many artists.
  • 2
    Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences.
  • 3
    In 1755 British writer Samuel Johnson published an acerbic letter to Lord Chesterfield rebuffing his patron for neglecting and declining support.
  • 词典短语
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • 百科
  • Patron

    Patronage is the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an organization or individual bestows to another. In the history of art, arts patronage refers to the support that kings, popes and the wealthy have provided to artists such as musicians, painters, and sculptors. It can also refer to the right of bestowing offices or church benefices, the business given to a store by a regular customer, and the guardianship of saints. The word "patron" derives from the Latin patronus, "patron", one who gives benefits to his clients (see Patronage in ancient Rome).In some countries the term is used to describe political patronage, which is the use of state resources to reward individuals for their electoral support. Some patronage systems are legal, as in the Canadian tradition of the Prime Minister to appoint senators and the heads of a number of commissions and agencies; in many cases, these appointments go to people who have supported the political party of the Prime Minister. As well, the term may refer to a type of corruption or favoritism in which a party in power rewards groups, families, ethnicities for their electoral support using illegal gifts or fraudulently awarded appointments or government contracts.
