城市道路交叉口行人违章行为心理研究—《城市交通》——城市交通 关键词: 交叉口;行人;违章行为;心理研究 [gap=1286]Keywords: intersection; pedestrian; violation; psychological research
基于步行者视角的兰州市步行环境研究 - 白永平 闪爱萍 - 现代城市研究 关键词: 步行环境; 步行者; 兰州市;[gap=892]Key words: pedestrian environment; pedestrian; Lanzhou
... patron 赞助人 ;资助人 pedestrian 行人 ;徒步的;呆板的;通俗的 peer 同侪 ;贵族;凝视;窥视;与…同等 ...
... patron 赞助人 ;资助人 pedestrian 行人 ;徒步的;呆板的;通俗的 peer 同侪 ;贵族;凝视;窥视;与…同等 ...
行人穿越道 ; 交 人行横道 ; 行人过路处 ; 行人交叉路
步行街 ; 行人径
步行者 ; 人行道
A pedestrian, is a person traveling on foot, whether walking or running. In some communities, those traveling using tiny wheels such as roller skates, skateboards, and scooters, as well as wheelchair users are also included as pedestrians. In modern times, the term usually refers to someone walking on a road or pavement, but this was not the case historically.