/ ˈperələs /
/ ˈperələs /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • adj.危险的,艰险的;濒临灾难(或毁灭)的
    • 比较级

      more perilous
    • 最高级

      most perilous
  • 网络释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    perilous (危险的)这里的逻辑连接词为more,表递进。类似于我们说“小张很优秀,但是小王比小张更优秀”。

  • 2


    perilous(险恶), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

  • 3


    老特拉福德球场一时间 危机四伏 ( Perilous ),在接下来(Next)的逐鹿中,曼联(Manchester United)是否会知耻而后勇,仍旧会此后萎靡不振,因为视金钱如粪土,所以鲜花总是插...

  • 4


    ... 高[high] 危险;危难[dangerous;perilous] 很陡峭的[precipitous] ...

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    In its statement the association, known as BALPA, warns that unless safety improves, travellers face a perilous future.
    BALPA 协会在它的声明中警告说,除非安全措施得到改善,否则旅行者的未来将十分危险。
  • 2
    The road grew even steeper and more perilous.
  • 3
    Tom noticed this, and it strongly inclined his sympathies toward her in her perilous and unfriended situation.
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • 百科
  • Perilous

    Perilous is the thirteenth studio album by American progressive rock band Glass Hammer, released on October 23, 2012 by Arion Records/Sound Resources.This is the last album with Jon Davison acting as sole lead vocalist, with former vocalists Susie Bogdanowicz and Carl Groves returning on the following album. It is also noteworthy to note that the song titles, when read in sequence, form a kind of poem. It is the first album featuring Davison in which he was not actively involved into the songwriting process, as he joined Yes previously in the year and was not available for the songwriting sessions.As some previous albums like Journey of the Dunadan or Chronometree, Perilous is a concept album. However band member Steve Babb stated "we have never done a concept album like Perilous. It is essentially one unified vision; one musical idea in thirteen parts or movements. The emotions and ideas expressed in the lyrics ebb and flow with the music; but they have a definite story to tell with a beginning, middle and climactic end."
