.0个题目:礼盒 第300个题目:观光背包 第350个题目:时尚挎包 (Satchel)第500个题目:爱你的抱枕 (Pillow) 被采访者 ( Interviewee )选出2个最有意旨的题目嘉勉礼盒一个: 被采访者 赞美怀表一个(A):
... view风景;注视;观点;见解vt观看;注视;考虑 pillow枕头;枕垫 midnight午夜;子夜 ...
A pillow is a cushioned support for the head or other parts of the body, usually used while sleeping on a bed, or for the body as used on a couch or chair. Pillows consist of a fabric envelope which contains a soft stuffing, which may range from down feathers to synthetic foam. Bed pillows are typically covered with a cloth pillowcase. Pillows used in a living room typically have a sturdy cloth cover.There are also throw pillows (also called toss pillows, and in the UK, pillow shams), which are pillows that are mainly decorative and not designed for support or comfort. A cushion is a soft bag filled with air or padding such as feathers or foam rubber. In the United Kingdom, pillows used on chairs, sofas or daybeds are called cushions, with the word pillow used only for pillows on a bed. In the UK, cushions are usually square, while bed pillows are oblong.