...悍,概括性强,用词简单,发音快捷(quickwork):英国的WilliamOxberry(1784~1824)是印刷商(printer)、出版商(publisher)、诗人(poet)、酒馆老板(publican)兼演员(player)。他 (5个P)是对他一生的高度概括。
下一篇: BZOJ 2821 作诗(Poetize)(分块)
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A poet is a person who writes poetry. Poets may describe themselves as such or be described as poets by others. A poet may simply be a writer of poetry, or may perform their art to an audience.The work of a poet is essentially one of communication, either expressing ideas in a literal sense, such as writing about a specific event or place, or metaphorically. Poets have existed since antiquity, in nearly all languages, and have produced works that vary greatly in different cultures and time periods. Throughout each civilization and language, poets have used various styles that have changed through the course of literary history, resulting in a history of poets as diverse as the literature they have produced.