  • 简明
  • n.端口扫描:一种网络安全技术,用于检测目标计算机系统上开放的网络端口,以评估系统的安全性和识别潜在的安全漏洞。
  • 网络释义
  • 1



  • 2


    ...码破解] pdf密码破解器V4.00汉化绿色破解版 简体中文 汉化软件 / 破解软件 138 2.22MB 2012-6-1 [网络辅助] PortScan(端口扫描器)V1.33 绿色版 英文 国外软件 / 免费软件 36 281 KB 2012-5-31 [网络电视] pptv网络电视官方下载2012免费下载 简体中文 国产软件 ...

  • 词源


port +‎ scan

FROM: wiktionary
  • 百科
  • Portscan

    A port scanner is a software application designed to probe a server or host for open ports. This is often used by administrators to verify security policies of their networks and by attackers to identify running services on a host with the view to compromise it.A port scan or portscan can be defined as a process that sends client requests to a range of server port addresses on a host, with the goal of finding an active port. While not a nefarious process in and of itself, it is one used by hackers to probe target machine services with the aim of exploiting a known vulnerability of that service,. However the majority of uses of a port scan are not attacks and are simple probes to determine services available on a remote machine.To portsweep is to scan multiple hosts for a specific listening port. The latter is typically used to search for a specific service, for example, an SQL-based computer worm may portsweep looking for hosts listening on TCP port 1433.
