... 教条主义的,照本宣科的:strongly held opinions 赞美;吹捧:praise 实践,履行(诺言等):required;改过自新:make better ...
... commend v.为正式用词,用于对具体功绩或成就表示嘉奖,通常指上级对下级、长辈对晚辈的赞赏。 praise v.为一般用词,用于对某人的优秀品质表示钦佩羡慕;赞颂,赞美。 area n.泛指面积较大的地区;面积;专业领域。 ...
Praise refers to positive evaluations made by a person of another's products, performances, or attributes, where the evaluator presumes the validity of the standards on which the evaluation is based. The influence of praise on an individual can depend on many factors, including the context, the meanings the praise may convey, and the characteristics and interpretations of the recipient. Praise is distinct from acknowledgement or feedback, which are more neutral forms of recognition, and encouragement, which is more future oriented. In addition, while praise may share some predictive relationships (both positive and negative) with tangible rewards, praise tends to be less salient and expected, conveys more information about competence, and is typically given more immediately after the desired behavior.