/ prep /
/ prep /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • n.<英>家庭作业(私立学校用语);<非正式,英>准备功课的时间;<非正式>准备;<非正式>预备教育;<非正式,美>预科生
  • v.<非正式,美>把……准备好,使预备好;为(患者)作手术准备;上预备学校
  • abbr.介词(preposition);准备(preparation);预备的(preparatory)
  • 【名】 (Prep)(俄)普列普(人名)
    • 第三人称单数

    • 现在分词

    • 过去式

    • 过去分词

  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    ):表 英语中名词、复词、形容词、代词、介词、动词怎末使用 如:who,she,you,it .5、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词放在句子中是最好判断的:修饰名词的是形容词,副词修饰的是动词.

  • 2



  • 3


    ...、早先、滥觞、开头、起源、起初、最先、发轫、发端、先导、先河、出手、起始、开端、起先、初步 beside的意思:prep.(表示位置)在…旁边,(表示比较)与…

  • 4


    暴露前使用ARV 药物预防( PrEP) 作为新型生物干预策略之一, 其候选药物是从众多 用于治疗AIDS 的ARV 药物中选择出来的, 其应用 有一定的前期临床基础, 对控制HI...

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    Each test comes in advance with a prep sheet, telling you how to get ready for that particular test.
  • 2
    Were these stories really passed down through the generations or did you contact people and prep them beforehand?
  • 3
    John had sometimes experienced this hankering at maths prep.
  • 词典短语
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • 1
    prep school预备学校(私立);预科(等于preparatory school)
  • 百科
  • PReP

    PowerPC Reference Platform (PReP) was a standard system architecture for PowerPC based computer systems (as well as a reference implementation) developed at the same time as the PowerPC processor architecture. Published by IBM in 1994, it allowed hardware vendors to build a machine that could run various operating systems, including Windows NT, OS/2, Solaris, Taligent and AIX.One of the stated goals of the PReP specification was to leverage standard PC hardware, and thus PReP was essentially a PC clone with a PowerPC CPU. Apple, wishing to seamlessly transition its Macintosh computers to PowerPC, found this to be particularly problematic. As it appeared, no one was particularly happy with PReP, a new standard, the Common Hardware Reference Platform (CHRP), was developed and published in late 1995, incorporating the elements of both PReP and the Power Macintosh architecture. Key to CHRP was the requirement for Open Firmware (also required in PReP-compliant systems delivered after June 1, 1995), which gave vendors greatly improved support during the boot process, allowing the hardware to be far more varied.PReP systems were never popular. Finding current, readily available operating systems for old PReP hardware can be difficult. Debian and NetBSD still maintain their respective ports to this architecture, although developer and user activity is extremely low. The RTEMS real-time operating system provides a board support package for PReP which can be run utilizing the QEMU PReP emulator. This provides a convienent development environment for PowerPC based real-time, embeded systems.Power.org has a new Power Architecture Platform Reference (PAPR) that provides the foundation for development of Power Architecture computers based on the Linux operating system. The PAPR spec was released in the fourth quarter of 2006.
