... dispel v 驱散(烟雾等) propel v 推进 repel v 击退(敌人),使…反感 ...
... force>compel>oblige通过法律、社会、道义的手法强迫 propel推动,驱动 repel逐回 ...
... resolve(常与into连用)解决(与into连用)分解 advocate n.(常与of连用)拥护者;提倡者 propel vt.推进, 驱使 repel vt.击退, 抵制, 使厌恶, 使不愉快 ...
The PROPEL Berhad or Projek Penyelenggaraan Lebuhraya (PROPEL) Berhad is the largest highway maintenance operator in Malaysia. A member of UEM Group, the company has undertaken repair and maintenance works on highway facilities, such as road works and repair works, road line painting, cleaning works on lay-bys and rest and service areas, trimming grass and landscaping along expressway areas, road furniture instalment and others. PROPEL Berhad was delisted from Bursa Malaysia as it became an operating business unit of UEM Group Berhad.