... Morose坏脾气缺点:很少对正面事件有反应。经常一起床就有“坏心情”buff,降低专注。 Puny孱弱 Uncouth粗鲁 ...
... rein 缰绳,统治,支配;以缰绳控制,统治,驾驭 puny 小的,弱的,微不足道的 lacklustre 无光泽的 ...
微不足道的(puny), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
... pungency n.刺激性,尖刻 puny adj.弱小的,发育不良的 purblind adj.愚钝的,视力不佳的 ...
Puisne (/ˈpjuːni/; from Old French puisné, modern puîné, later born, inferior; Lat. postea, afterwards, and natus, born) is a legal term of art used mainly in British English meaning "inferior in rank". It is pronounced like the word puny. That word, in the anglicized spelling, has become an adjective meaning weak or undersized.The judges and barons of the common law courts at Westminster, other than those having a distinct title, were called puisne. By the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1877, a "puisne judge" is deemed a judge of the High Court other than the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice of England, the Master of the Rolls, the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and their successors respectively.Puisne courts existed as lower courts in the early stages in the judiciary in British North America, in particular Upper Canada and Lower Canada.