城市品牌设计要立足品牌实质 品牌实质(substance)和品牌现实(reality)是两个不同的概念。所谓品牌实质,是指品牌识别和定位内容的实在性、丰满度和可信度,而品牌现实则是指品牌目前的实际状态。
虚拟现实 ; 虚拟实境 ; 虚拟现实技术 ; 虚拟真实
增强现实 ; 扩增实境 ; 增强现实技术 ; 增强实境
混合现实 ; 混合实境 ; 混合现实技术 ; 混合的现实性
Reality is the conjectured state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined. In a wider definition, reality includes everything that is and has been, whether or not it is observable or comprehensible. A still more broad definition includes everything that has existed, exists, or will exist.Philosophers, mathematicians, and other ancient and modern thinkers, such as Aristotle, Plato, Frege, Wittgenstein, and Russell, have made a distinction between thought corresponding to reality, coherent abstractions (thoughts of things that are imaginable but not real), and that which cannot even be rationally thought. By contrast existence is often restricted solely to that which has physical existence or has a direct basis in it in the way that thoughts do in the brain.Reality is often contrasted with what is imaginary, delusional, (only) in the mind, dreams, what is false, what is fictional, or what is abstract. At the same time, what is abstract plays a role both in everyday life and in academic research. For instance, causality, virtue, life and distributive justice are abstract concepts that can be difficult to define, but they are only rarely equalled with pure delusions. Both the existence and reality of abstractions is in dispute: one extreme position regard them as mere words, another position regard them as higher truths than less abstract concepts. This disagreement is the basis of the philosophical Problem of universals.The truth refers to what is real, while falsity refers to what is not. Fictions are considered not real.