卷轴(Reel):PS 材质 7”、13”、15”各种普通、防静电胶盘
塑胶圆 盘(Reel):提供各宽度 PS材质旋转卡钩式圆 盘.
机械毕业设计-机电毕业设计论文-模具数控毕业设计专业订做-中国诚信机械毕业论文网 关键词:卷扬机;卷筒;卷筒轴;滑轮组 [gap=1129]Key words: Windlass; Reel; Reel axis; Block and tackle
... reed n.芦苇,苇丛;芦笛,牧笛 reel n.卷筒,线轴 reference n.提及,涉及;参考,参考书目;证明书(人) ...
A reel is an object around which lengths of another material (usually long and flexible) are wound for storage. Generally a reel has a cylindrical core and walls on the sides to retain the material wound around the core. In some cases the core is hollow, although other items may be mounted on it, and grips may exist for mechanically turning the reel.