/ rɪˈfaɪnd /
/ rɪˈfaɪnd /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • adj.精炼的;有教养的,文雅的;精确的,灵活巧妙的
  • v.精炼,提纯;改进,改善;使……文雅(refine 的过去式和过去分词)
    • 比较级

      more refined
    • 最高级

      most refined
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    ... refine v.提纯;精炼;使高雅(去掉粗鲁、不合时宜或不道德的特点) refined adj.文雅的(脱离粗鲁或庸俗的);纯净的(没有杂质的) refinery n.提炼厂 ...

  • 2


    征募新兵;回复中兴有“新”的寄义,故作者凡是给它正立场 refined a.精制的;优雅的;切确的褒义词 reform n.更始,改善,改良行为,传染打动 vt.

  • 3



  • 4


    ...;三次采油;杂质;精制;阳阴离子交换;聚丙烯酰胺 [gap=716]Keywords:acrylamide;enhancedoilrecovery(OER);impurity;refined;cationandanionexchange;ployacrylamide ...

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    El Salvador produces 100,000 tons of refined copper annually.
  • 2
    This technique is becoming more refined and more acceptable all the time.
  • 3
    Her diet consisted of natural food, uncontaminated by pesticides, salt or refined sugar.
  • 词典短语
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 百科
  • Refined

    Refining (also perhaps called by the mathematical term affining) is the process of purification of a (1) substance or a (2) form. The term is usually used of a natural resource that is almost in a usable form, but which is more useful in its pure form. For instance, most types of natural petroleum will burn straight from the ground, but it will burn poorly and quickly clog an engine with residues and by-products. The term is broad, and may include more drastic transformations, such as the reduction of ore to metal (for which see Refining (metallurgy)).The refining of liquids is often accomplished by distillation or fractionation. Gases can be refined in this way as well, by being cooled and/or compressed until they liquefy. Gases and liquids can also be refined by extraction with a selective solvent that dissolves away either the substance of interest, or the unwanted impurities.Many solids can be refined by growing crystals in a solution of the impure material; the regular structure of the crystal tends to favor the desired material and exclude other kinds of particles.Chemical reactions are often used to remove impurities of particular types.The use of silicon and other semiconductors in electronics depends on precise control of impurities. The zone melting process developed by William Gardner Pfann was used to produce pure germanium, and subsequently float-zone silicon became available when Henry Theuerer of Bell Labs adapted Pfann's method to silicon.Types of materials that are usually refined:
