/ ˈriːdʒənt /
/ ˈriːdʒənt /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • n.摄政王;摄政者;州立大学董事会董事;统治者;(Regent)(英)雷金特;(捷)雷根特;(法)勒让(人名)
  • adj.摄政的;统治的
  • IELTS/
    • 复数

  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1



  • 2


    这枚集斑斓、光辉与神秘于一身的钻石,或是曾经由玛丽皇后佩带、现在珍藏在卢浮宫的钻石“摄政王”(the Regent)一样,萧邦为您寻觅到了一枚令人惊艳的85克拉祖母绿切割钻石。这枚美钻拥有极完美的纯净度及炫目标白光。

  • 3



  • 4


    两对半-----两对半;-试剂;-ELISA;-Abbott 关键词:两对半; 试剂; ELISA; Abbott [gap=770]Key words:Kit of Hepatities B; Regent; ELISA; Abbott

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    When the king left on the Second Crusade, he appointed Suger as regent and left him in charge of the government.
  • 2
    Technology made photographic images a common sight in the shop windows of Regent Street and Piccadilly in London and the commercial boulevards of Paris.
  • 3
    He voyaged to England to cook in the modern Great Kitchen of the prince regent, George IV, and crossed continents to prepare grand banquets for the tables of Tsar Alexander I of Russia.
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • n.


    governor  /  ruler

  • adj.


    ruling  /  dominant

  • 百科
  • Regent

    A regent, from the Roman regens "one who reigns", is the informal or sometimes formal title given to a temporary, acting head of state in a monarchy. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the term as "A person appointed to administer a State because the Monarch is a minor, is absent or is incapacitated." If the regent is holding this temporary position due to his or her position in the line of succession and thus is a member of the royal house, the term used is often prince regent or princess regent. The time in office for a regent is often called a regency, a term also used for the constitutional rules providing for the temporary upholding of the position.In a monarchy, a regent usually governs due to one of these reasons, but may also be elected to rule during the interregnum when the royal line has died out. This was the case in the Kingdom of Finland and the Kingdom of Hungary, where the royal line was considered extinct in the aftermath of World War I. In Iceland, the regent represented the King of Denmark as sovereign of Iceland until the country became a republic in 1944. In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569–1795), kings were elective, which often led to a fairly long interregnum. In the interim, it was the Roman Catholic Primate (the Archbishop of Gniezno) who served as the regent, termed the "interrex" (Latin: ruler "between kings" as in ancient Rome). In the small republic of San Marino, the two Captains Regent, or Capitani Reggenti, are elected semi-annually (they serve a six-month term) as joint heads of state and of government.
