尤文(Juventus)球员可能还没意识到,这不仅仅只是老天爷一个善意的 提醒 ( Remind ):1分钟后,里戈尼中场直传身后,佩利西耶左脚推射远角却击中门柱弹出好好把握身边的朋友,他们都是缔造你生命意义的人。
使想起(reminded), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
Remind (formerly Remind101) is a private mobile messaging platform that enables teachers to send Reminders to students and parents via text and email. The platform has over 10 million users and sends over 65 million messages per month. As of February 2014, 15% of the K-12 teacher population in the U.S used Remind101.