[水利] 水库
水库论文:中小型水库工程管理存在的问题及对策_论文写作指导_博硕教育网 关键词】水库;管理;问题;对策 [gap=664]Key words】Reservoir;Management;Problems;Strategy
[水利] 蓄水池
蓄水池 这里介绍的方法都有一个共同的特点,就是建立一个“蓄水池” (reservoir),池的大小就是要选出的样本大小,如果元素没有充满池子,那自然每个元素都被选进来了。
... reputable 有名的, 线切割机维修故障实例两则,受尊敬的 reservoir 容器,储存器 resident 驻存的 ...
[地质] 储层
...储层;盖层;储盖组合 我真的不希望从翻译网站上得来的东西,更讨厌金山快译等翻译出的中文式英文。这些方式我自己都会。。。 [gap=1595]Key words: clasolite, carbonatite, characteristics,evaluate,reservoir, cap formations, assembly ...
落水狗 ; 水库狗 ; 霸道横行 ; 掉在水里狗
充电电容器 ; 存储电容器 ; 储存电容器
布拉茨克水库 ; 俄罗斯布拉茨克水库
A reservoir (etymology: from French réservoir a "storehouse" ) is a natural or artificial lake, storage pond, or impoundment from a dam which is used to store water. Reservoirs may be created in river valleys by the construction of a dam or may be built by excavation in the ground or by conventional construction techniques such as brickwork or cast concrete.The term reservoir may also be used to describe naturally occurring underground reservoirs such as those beneath an oil or water well.