/ ˈrɒkɪt /
/ ˈrɑːkɪt /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • n.火箭;火箭发动机(=rocket engine/rocket motor);火箭武器,火箭弹;火箭式焰火,流星焰火(=skyrocket);<英>芝麻菜,大蒜芥;<英,非正式>严厉的斥责;(像火箭般)快速行动者,飞快行进的物体
  • v.快速增长,猛增;迅速移动,飞速行进;用火箭武器攻击;(使)迅速成功,迅速提高地位;用火箭运载
  • 初中/高中/CET4/CET6/考研/
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  • 英英释义
  • 1

    [航] 火箭


  • 2


    ... overdraft facility 透支限额 rocket v. 急速上升,直线上升,飞升 venture n. 犯险,投机 ...

  • 3


    ... bfury 旱冰鞋批发价格响炮 rocket 起花 cfurthermoreimplet 余兴节目 ...

  • 4


    ...动机地面试验测量与控制系统_stmopen 关键词】: 火箭发动机 地面试验 测量系统 控制系统 LabVIEW [gap=774]Keywords】: rocket motorground experimentmeasurement systemcontrol systemLabVIEW ..

  • 双语例句
  • 原声例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    The rocket steepened its ascent.
  • 2
    The rocket soared skywards.
  • 3
    The rocket soared (up) into the air.
  • 词典短语
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  • 百科
  • Rocket

    A rocket is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle that obtains thrust from a rocket engine. Rocket engine exhaust is formed entirely from propellants carried within the rocket before use. Rocket engines work by action and reaction. Rocket engines push rockets forward by expelling their exhaust in the opposite direction at high speed. Rockets rely on momentum, airfoils, auxiliary reaction engines, gimballed thrust, momentum wheels, deflection of the exhaust stream, propellant flow, spin, and/or gravity to help control flight.Rockets are relatively lightweight and powerful, capable of generating large accelerations and of attaining extremely high speeds with reasonable efficiency. Rockets are not reliant on the atmosphere and work very well in space.Rockets for military and recreational uses date back to at least 13th century China. Significant scientific, interplanetary and industrial use did not occur until the 20th century, when rocketry was the enabling technology for the Space Age, including setting foot on the moon. Rockets are now used for fireworks, weaponry, ejection seats, launch vehicles for artificial satellites, human spaceflight, and space exploration.Chemical rockets are the most common type of high power rocket, typically creating a high speed exhaust by the combustion of fuel with an oxidizer. The stored propellant can be a simple pressurized gas or a single liquid that disassociates in the presence of a catalyst (monopropellants), two liquids that spontaneously react on contact (hypergolic propellants), two liquids that must be ignited to react, a solid combination of one or more fuels with one or more oxidizers (solid fuel), or solid fuel with liquid oxidant (hybrid propellant system). Chemical rockets store a large amount of energy in an easily released form, and can be very dangerous. However, careful design, testing, construction and use minimizes risks.
