[机] 滚轴
定期检查清洁蠕动滚轴( Rollers)与泵管(Tubing): a. 蠕动泵管必须要定期检查,如有变形请更换,避免造成讯号不稳。
[机] 滚筒
大米输送机毕业设计(粮用输送机毕业设计)-毕业汇|毕业设计|毕业论文|毕业生交流网 - 关键词: 大米输送机;皮带;驱动装置;滚筒 [gap=946]Keywords: Rice conveyor;Belt;Drive system;roller
[机] 滚柱
合肥工业大学学报杂志社 关键词:滚柱; 链传动; 结构特性; 功率谱; 试验 [gap=725]Key words:roller; chain drive; structural characteristic; power spectrum; experiment
过山车 ; 游乐场过山车 ; 娱乐场的环形滑车道
滚子轴承 ; 机 滚柱轴承 ; 滚珠轴承 ; 圆柱滚子轴承
The rollers are an Old World family, Coraciidae, of near passerine birds. The group gets its name from the aerial acrobatics some of these birds perform during courtship or territorial flights. Rollers resemble crows in size and build, and share the colourful appearance of kingfishers and bee-eaters, blues and pinkish or cinnamon browns predominating. The two inner front toes are connected, but not the outer one.They are mainly insect eaters, with Eurystomus species taking their prey on the wing, and those of the genus Coracias diving from a perch to catch food items from on the ground, like giant shrikes.Although living rollers are birds of warm climates in the Old World, fossil records show that rollers were present in North America during the Eocene. They are monogamous and nest in an unlined hole in a tree or in masonry, and lay 2–4 eggs in the tropics, 3–6 at higher latitudes. The eggs, which are white, hatch after 17–20 days, and the young remain in the nest for approximately another 30 days.