[建] 屋顶
...的摩天大楼,作为与台北101大楼比肩的“姐妹楼”。 据1、上海环球金融中心,2008年建成,楼层总数:101层,地下:3层,屋顶(Roof)高度:492米广州西塔又名广州国际金融中心(简称:广州IFC)位于珠江新城CBD中轴线上,毗邻珠江。
[矿业 建] 顶板
顶板(Roof panel)是挃箱体顶部的板。顶板要求用一张整板制成,不得用铆接或焊接成的板,以防铆钉松动或焊缝开裂而造成漏水。
建 平屋顶 ; 平屋面 ; 平台
绿化屋顶 ; 绿色屋顶 ; 屋顶绿化 ; 矿业 新露顶板
瓦 ; 天台地砖 ; 屋顶瓦 ; 屋瓦
A roof of a building envelope, both the covering on the uppermost part of a building or shelter which provides protection from animals and weather, notably rain, but also heat, wind and sunlight; and the framing or structure which supports the covering.The characteristics of a roof are dependent upon the purpose of the building that it covers, the available roofing materials and the local traditions of construction and wider concepts of architectural design and practice and may also be governed by local or national legislation. In most countries a roof protects primarily against rain. A verandah may be roofed with material that protects against sunlight but admits the other elements. The roof of a garden conservatory, protects plants from cold, wind and rain but admits light.A roof may also provide additional living space, for example a roof garden.