国家外汇管理局(State Administration Of Foreign Exchange)
...。并非所有银行都要以外币缴纳上调后的存款准备金,据称政策性银行和农村信用合作社以及其他一些没有多少外币业务的银行都可以不用这么做。 最近中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)公布的数据增强了我们对中国央行转移给商业银行外汇储备数量所作预估的信心,商业银行用这些外汇储备缴纳上调后的存款准备金。
没开拍 中文名:暂告安全 英文名:Safe 导演: 鲍兹·亚金上网一查他叫詹姆斯·洪(James·hong),但是只是说他是出生于美国的明尼苏达州,,,,没有介绍他是不是华裔。。。希望知道他的各位大侠
安全模式 ; 安全标准样式 ; 平安形式 ; 平安模式
藏身之所 ; 安全屋 ; 灭口布局
安然无恙 ; 平安无事 ; 平安
A safe (also called a strongbox or coffer) is a secure lockable box used for securing valuable objects against theft and/or damage from fire. A safe is usually a hollow cuboid or cylinder, with one face being removable or hinged to form a door. The body and door may be cast from metal (such as steel) or formed out of plastic through blow molding. Bank teller safes typically are secured to the counter, have a slit opening for dropping valuables into the safe without opening it, and a time-delay combination lock to foil robbers. One significant distinction between types of safes is whether the safe is secured to a wall or structure or if it can be moved around. A less secure version (only suitable for petty cash) is usually called a cash-box.