... 稀有的,难得的,珍奇的;稀薄的,稀疏的:rare 稀少的,罕见的;缺乏的;不足的:scarce 稀薄的;微妙的;精巧的;细微的:subtle ...
... scarce:罕见 vision:视力,视觉,想象力,洞察力的意思 striven:英国地名,斯特利文,还有就是strive的过去式 ...
... tolerance n.勉强承受,宽容忍耐;公役 scarce a.缺乏的;希有的 rigid a.板硬的;僵直的 ...
... 稀有的,难得的,珍奇的;稀薄的,稀疏的:rare 稀少的,罕见的;缺乏的;不足的:scarce 稀薄的;微妙的;精巧的;细微的:subtle ...
水的短缺 ; 年水的短缺 ; 年的主题是“水的短缺 ; 水的欠缺
稀缺资源 ; 稀有资源 ; 稀少资源
Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants in a world of limited resources. It states that society has insufficient productive resources to fulfill all human wants and needs. A common misconception on scarcity is that an item has to be important for it to be scarce. This is not true, for something to be scarce, something must be given up, or traded off, in order to obtain it. Simply put, the price of a good signals the relative scarcity of the good.