... 短期取向Short-Term Orientation 短缺Scarcity 对残疾工人的歧视Discrimination Against Workers with ...
...何现实社会都决不是那种拥有无限可能性的“乌托邦”,而是一个到处都充满着经济品(economic goods)的稀缺的世界。稀缺(scarcity)是指这样一种状态:相对于需求,物品总是有限的。
害怕 缺乏 ( Scarcity ):让读者知道错过了精彩的文章或活动,可能会失去获得某些资讯的机会,透过各种不同活动平台,如即时留言讨论、网路社群聚会等...
稀缺经济 ; 短缺经济 ; 稀缺
水荒 ; 应对水短缺 ; 年的主题是“应对水短缺
展示米的稀缺性 ; 展示商品的稀缺 ; 展现商品的稀缺性
Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants in a world of limited resources. It states that society has insufficient productive resources to fulfill all human wants and needs. A common misconception on scarcity is that an item has to be important for it to be scarce. This is not true, for something to be scarce, something must be given up, or traded off, in order to obtain it. Simply put, the price of a good signals the relative scarcity of the good.