... (con-共同,spic-词根:看,u-无义,ous-的——大家都看的、所有人都看到的——有目共睹的) sceptical adj.怀疑论的;怀疑的 telescope n.望远镜 ...
... 怀疑的头脑 Suspicious Minds 常怀疑的 sceptical 受到怀疑的 discredited ...
... questionable强调质疑,有问题的,值得争议的 sceptical 怀疑论的,怀疑的 (正式用法) treat n. 难得的乐事,享受 ...
... complementary therapy辅助疗法 sceptical持怀疑态度 mobile可以自由移动 ...
Skepticism or scepticism (see spelling differences) is generally any questioning attitude towards knowledge, facts, or opinions/beliefs stated as facts, or doubt regarding claims that are taken for granted elsewhere.Philosophical skepticism is an overall approach that requires all information to be well supported by evidence. Classical philosophical skepticism derives from the 'Skeptikoi', a school who "asserted nothing". Adherents of Pyrrhonism (and more recently, partially synonymous with Fallibilism), for instance, suspend judgment in investigations. Skeptics may even doubt the reliability of their own senses. Religious skepticism, on the other hand, is "doubt concerning basic religious principles (such as immortality, providence, and revelation)". Scientific skepticism is about testing scientific beliefs for reliability, by subjecting them to systematic investigation using the scientific method, to create empirical evidence for them.