[科技] 科学家
... chemist小学化学家 scientist迷信家 philosopher哲学家 ...
科的读音,科字的意思,科字的组词,科字的笔画,科字... ... 〖science〗指发现、积累并公认的普遍真理或普遍定理的运用,已系统化和公式化了的知识 〖scientist〗精通科学(尤指自然科学)的人 〖AcademyofScience〗下属许多研究所从事基础研究和应用研究的科学管理机构或各研究所的总体 ...
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A scientist, in a broad sense, is one engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge. In a more restricted sense, a scientist may refer to an individual who uses the scientific method. The person may be an expert in one or more areas of science. This article focuses on the more restricted use of the word. Scientists perform research toward a more comprehensive understanding of nature, including physical, mathematical and social realms.Philosophy can be seen as a distinct activity and which many consider not to be a science. It is aimed towards a more comprehensive understanding of intangible aspects of reality and experience that cannot be physically measured.Scientists are also distinct from engineers, those who design, build and maintain devices for particular situations. When science is done with a goal toward practical utility, it is called applied science. An applied scientist may not be designing something in particular, but rather is conducting research with the aim of developing new technologies and practical methods. When science is done with an inclusion of intangible aspects of reality it is called natural philosophy.