...则(reciprocity,也即给予的时候期待回报)却是极其痛苦的,因为互惠原则否定了爱 的法则:我所给予的一切都是给我自己(Self)的。所以在我向爱觉醒的过程中,神圣的天律成为了我存在的核心,而现在,这一天律通过我经验的每一个想 法,感受和行动发散出去。
[免疫] 自身
...自身; 人的延伸; 文化解释学; 意义 虽然海德格尔以“存在论的差异” 将自我从客观性、 绝对性中解放出来, 为历史性、时间性提供了在场的场所, 但... [gap=10503]Key words: self, the extension of self, cultural hermeneutics, meaning 联系人: 曾鹰 通讯地址: 山西太原市坞城路 9...
自尊 ; 自尊心 ; 自我尊重 ; 自尊无价
自画像 ; 私相簿 ; 自画像编辑本段 ; 自拍人像
自律 ; 常自律 ; 自我约束 ; 自律性
The self is the subject of one's own experience of phenomena: perception, emotions, thoughts. In phenomenology, it is conceived as what experiences, and there isn't any experiencing without an experiencer, the self. The self is therefore an "immediate given", an intrinsic dimension of the fact of experiencing phenomena. In some other trends of philosophy, the self is instead seen as requiring a reflexive perception of oneself, the individual person, meaning the self in such a view is an object of consciousness.The self has been studied extensively by philosophers and psychologists and is central to many world religions. With the recent rise in technology, the self has been discussed under various new emerging fields, such as Technoself Studies.