...。甚至在抗战时期,姚先生仍旧不忘收集汇总当时的文献材料,以便于将来的史学研究。 姚从吾 在兰克所倡导的史学思想中,专题研讨班(Seminar)是重要的组成部分。兰克说,“仔细介绍一位学者的实际工作和个人活动才是可取的”,“以便今后在某项特殊研究中遇到细节时不至于...
[科技] 讨论会
中心实验室科研讨论制度 中心实验室的定期讨论会(Seminar)是研究生院安排的学术活动之一。通 过中心实验室内部以及和其他科室之间的学术交流,使研究生在完成论文期间培 养良好的学风,并...
研究学程 ; 专题研究科目 ; 研究科目
新生研讨课 ; 新生超小型课堂 ; 新生讨论课 ; 讨论课
专题教室 ; 研讨室 ; 培训室
A seminar is, generally, a form of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate. This is often accomplished through an ongoing Socratic dialogue with a seminar leader or instructor, or through a more formal presentation of research. Normally, participants must not be beginners in the field under discussion (at US and Canadian universities, seminar classes are generally reserved for upper-class students, although at UK and Australian universities seminars are often used for all years). The idea behind the seminar system is to familiarize students more extensively with the methodology of their chosen subject and also to allow them to interact with examples of the practical problems that always occur during research work. It is essentially a place where assigned readings are discussed, questions can be raised and debates can be conducted. It is relatively informal, at least compared to the lecture system of academic instruction.