[数] 顺序的
... sequencer, trigger 触发定序器 sequential 序列的;顺序的 sequential access 序列存取;顺序存取 ...
... chronological 按时间顺序的... sequential 连续的(序贯的)... progressive 先进的 ...
[数] 序列的
... sequencer, trigger 触发定序器 sequential 序列的;顺序的 sequential access 序列存取;顺序存取 ...
...3057033 2017-10-26 复古logo设计欣赏欣赏 创意LOGO - [英文logo设计] 456 0 0 挪时的美好 2017-10-26 30款Sequential(顺序排列)标志设计欣赏 创意LOGO - [英文logo设计] 327 0 0 唯爱色妓 2017-10-26 麦克风元素标志设计观欣 创意LOGO - [英文logo设计] 228 ...
时序逻辑电路 ; 顺序逻辑 ; 计 时序逻辑
序贯博弈 ; 顺序性博弈 ; 序列博弈 ; 逐次赛局
贯序设计 ; 序贯设计 ; 连续系列设计 ; 序列设计
In mathematics, a sequence is an ordered list. Like a set, it contains members (also called elements, or terms). The number of ordered elements (possibly infinite) is called the length of the sequence. Unlike a set, order matters, and exactly the same elements can appear multiple times at different positions in the sequence. Most precisely, a sequence can be defined as a function whose domain is a countable totally ordered set, such as the natural numbers.For example, (M, A, R, Y) is a sequence of letters with the letter 'M' first and 'Y' last. This sequence differs from (A, R, M, Y). Also, the sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8), which contains the number 1 at two different positions, is a valid sequence. Sequences can be finite, as in this example, or infinite, such as the sequence of all even positive integers (2, 4, 6,...). Finite sequences are sometimes known as strings or words and infinite sequences as streams. The empty sequence ( ) is included in most notions of sequence, but may be excluded depending on the context.