[科技] 形状
...repeat)使用(use)性好,可根据需要对围网(Purse Seine)重新布局设计;环境保护产品,最终可回收利用;桥梁护栏网网孔形状(shape)是菱形或方形较多。
在谈到花式钻石时需要明确两个重要概念——外形和切磨样式,这两个概念的组合就形成了复杂万千的花式钻石琢型。 外形(shape)就是指宝石的正面轮廓形状,例如:长方形、三角形、椭圆形等。
4、塑造(SHAPE): 指先强化与目标行为稍有相似的行为,然后再强化与目标行为更相似一点的行为,最后逐步引向目标行为。
回答人的补充 假设父类是一个笼统的办法,没无方法体,而在子类中把这个笼统的办法详细化 例如定义一个类 图形(Shape),外面有个笼统办法area求面积,图形不一样,求面积的办法也不一样,我们再定义一个类圆(Circle),它外面的办法area()就是对S...
混合变形 ; 融合形 ; 融合变形 ; 混合形状
处于良好状态 ; 处于良好状况 ; 有形
图形信号 ; 图形触发 ; 波形触发与切换
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) is the central command of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) military forces. Since 1967 it has been located at Casteau, north of the Belgian city of Mons, but it had previously been located, from 1953, at Rocquencourt, next to Versailles, France. From 1951 to 2003, SHAPE was the headquarters of operational forces in the European theatre (Allied Command Europe, ACE), but since 2003 it has been the headquarters of Allied Command Operations (ACO), controlling all allied operations worldwide.SHAPE retained its traditional name with reference to Europe for legal reasons although the geographical scope of its activities was extended in 2003. At that time, NATO's command in Lisbon, historically part of the Atlantic command, was reassigned to ACO. The commanding officer of Allied Command Operations has also retained the title "Supreme Allied Commander Europe" (SACEUR).