龙虾(Lobster):1000比索/Kg 小虾(Shrimp):500比索/Kg 琵琶虾(Rock Lobster):120比索..
基于绿色经济视角的中国对虾产业链分析 关键词:绿色经济;对虾;产业链 [gap=888]Key words: green economy; shrimp; industry chain
Shrimp Roe(虾子), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
[水产] 虾
我们要心怀感激,鲜虾盅(正餐前的一道开胃菜)里的虾已经去掉头部了。 虾(Shrimp)最常见的海鲜。 鳝鱼(Eel)是的,鳝鱼在做成烘烤鳝鱼球之前是这个样子的。
The Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) is a large-diameter, double-focusing secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) sector instrument produced by Australian Scientific Instruments in Canberra, Australia. Like other SIMS instruments, the SHRIMP microprobe bombards a sample under vacuum with a beam of primary ions that sputters secondary ions that are focused, filtered, and measured according to their energy and mass.The SHRIMP is primarily used for geological and geochemical applications. It can measure the isotopic and elemental abundances in minerals at a 30 micrometre-scale and is therefore well-suited for the analysis of complex minerals, as often found in metamorphic terrains, some igneous rocks, and for relatively rapid analysis of statistical valid sets of detrital minerals from sedimentary rocks. The most common application of the instrument is in uranium-thorium-lead geochronology, although the SHRIMP can be used to measure some other isotopic and elemental abundances.