...tion or decomposition or thermal expansion takes place Thermal Compatibility 12 Physical properties Soundness(坚固性): volume change caused by weather: Definition: the ability of aggregate to resist h l l f h changes in volume as a re...
... soundlessly 无声地;静悄悄地;完全静寂地 soundness 健康;稳固;完整;公正 sounding 音响;试探;测探水深 ...
... soundingsurvey海底测深;水深测量 soundness稳固程度〔铺瓦〕;安定性 sourceoffill填料来源 ...
财务稳健性 ; 财政状况 ; 财务稳健 ; 财务稳健性资产治理
稳定性测试 ; 健性试验 ; 坚固性测试 ; 安定性试验
内部质量 ; 内部稳健 ; 内部健全性
In mathematical logic, a logical system has the soundness property if and only if its inference rules prove only formulas that are valid with respect to its semantics. In most cases, this comes down to its rules having the property of preserving truth, but this is not the case in general.