... spacious adj. 宽敞的 airy adj. 通风的 outfit n.(尤指供特殊场合用的)一套衣服 ...
... space shuttle(往返于地球或太空站之间运载人或物资的)航天飞机 spacious adj.广大的,宽敞的 span n. 跨度,一段时间,翼展vt.跨越 ...
solitude 孤零,独居,寂寞;偏僻,荒凉 spacious 宽广的,宽敞的;广阔的,无边无际的;开阔的,开朗的;自由自在的,奢华的 stagger (使)摇晃,(使)蹒跚;(使)犹豫,(使)动摇 n. 摇晃,蹒跚 .
spacious(空旷), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
Spacious is an online residential real estate marketplace, connecting buyers and tenants with properties throughout Asia. The company differentiates itself by combining its user experience with analytic tools and relevant content to make the process of buying, renting or selling a property as simple and efficient as possible. Spacious was founded in 2013 by Asif Ghafoor, former Goldman Sachs and Standard Chartered Bank development manager, senior IT director and application architect, and was part of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation incubator program. Spacious is headquartered in Hong Kong.