... 球状化spheroidization 球状体spheroid 球状雪明碳铁spheroidalcementite ...
[数] 球体
b.肝细胞球形聚集培养[又称球体(Spheroid)培养技术] 普通的培养方法仅能给肝细胞提供二维生长的表面,这将限制肝细胞的功能分化和生长调节。
...下面遥感解译数据提供的投影参数设置的: 投影方式(Projection):Albers Equal-Area Conic Projection 投影椭球体(Spheroid): Krassovsky 中央经线(Longitude of Central Meridian):110° 参考纬度(Latitude of Projection Origin):12° 双标准纬度(...
... 球柱面透镜 sphero-cylindrical lens 球形体 spheroid 球状聚集体 spheroidal aggregate ...
天,数 长球面 ; 扁长之球体 ; 长轴椭圆体
天 扁球面 ; 扁椭面
地球偏球体 ; 地球椭球体 ; 天 地球扁球体
A spheroid, or ellipsoid of revolution is a quadric surface obtained by rotating an ellipse about one of its principal axes; in other words, an ellipsoid with two equal semi-diameters.If the ellipse is rotated about its major axis, the result is a prolate (elongated) spheroid, like an American football or rugby ball. If the ellipse is rotated about its minor axis, the result is an oblate (flattened) spheroid, like a lentil. If the generating ellipse is a circle, the result is a sphere.Because of the combined effects of gravitation and rotation, the Earth's shape is roughly that of a sphere slightly flattened in the direction of its axis. For that reason, in cartography the Earth is often approximated by an oblate spheroid instead of a sphere. The current World Geodetic System model uses a spheroid whose radius is 6,378.137 km at the equator and 6,356.752 km at the poles.The word spheroid originally meant an approximately spherical body, admitting irregularities even beyond the bi- or tri-axial ellipsoidal shape, and that is how it is used in some older papers on geodesy (for example, referring to truncated spherical harmonic expansions of the Earth). In case there is risk of confusion, it is beneficial to state for clarity the one definition intended.