/ stenˈtɔːriən /
/ stenˈtɔːriən /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • adj.声音洪亮的
  • GRE/
  • 网络释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    steep adj 陡峭的 险峻的 急剧升降的 不合理的n 悬崖 峭壁 浸渍 浸渍液v 浸 泡 沉浸 stentorian adj 声音洪亮的 stereotype n 铅版 陈腔滥调 老套vt 使用铅版 套用老套 使一成不变 ..

  • 2


    ... stencil 模板;用模板刻写 stentorian 极响亮的 stereotype 固定形式,老套 ...

  • 3


    ... [loud, clear and resounding] 音色响亮、清朗 [loud;stentorian] 响亮 [informed opinion;intelligent view] 见解高深的言论 ...

  • 4


    ... barbaric 极其粗野、残忍或残暴的... stentorian 极洪亮的 aloud 出声地 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    He bellowed in a stentorian voice.
  • 2
    The stentorian tones of auctioneer, calling out to clear, now announced that the sale to commence.
  • 3
    The stentorian tones of auctioneer, calling out to clear , now announced that the sale to commence.
    拍卖人用洪亮的声音招呼大家闪开一点, 然后宣布拍卖即将开始。
  • 同根词
  • 词源


  • n.


  • 百科
  • Stentorian

    Stentorian (Bengali: স্টেনটোরিয়ান) is a Heavy Metal band from Bangladesh formed in the early 2001. Stentorian released one commercially successful album Protimuhurtey in 2005 and several commercially successful singles. Their most popular songs include Adrissho Juddho, Bishonno Adhaar, Bidrohi, Jolosrot, Anubhuti, Mone pore na and most recently Chhobi. Stentorian is regarded as one of the pioneers of the underground heavy metal music movement, which re-energized heavy metal in Bangladesh in this current decade. Perhaps Stentorian is most notable for being led by three of the greatest Bangladeshi rock vocalists of all time, Real, Torsha and Tanim" and for their commercially successful single Bishonno Adhaar where they featured Sumon from Aurthohin.Stentorian is typically classified as heavy metal, but it ranges from soft rock, power ballad to thrash metal and most recently progressive metal. Stentorian's approach has remained the same over the band's career, preferring to play what they enjoy and do best. Their appreciation of early rock and heavy metal is reflected in some of their occasional cover songs. Stentorian's heavy metal lyrics typically cover such topics as war, good versus evil, abuse of power, psychological depression, social disorder and politics. Stentorian’s popular soft music lyrics contain love, affection and emotional appeal.
