...迎来建国150周年,热爱冰球、北极熊骑行、大快朵颐饱餐芝士肉汁薯条(Poutine)等等,加拿大人给人留下的刻板印象(stereotype)就是这样的? 当然加拿大人可能不会骑着北极熊去上班,但不得不承认有些刻板印象是事实,可能还让加拿大人倍感自豪。
[注1] 所谓的版型(StereoType)是一种特例, 不管是五香瓜子还是原味瓜子都叫瓜子. 可以简单的认为, 使用版型只是为了描述更具体!
... aen.粉刺,粉剌 stereotype成见 employment rate参加工作率 ...
成见威胁 ; 刻板印象威胁 ; 刻板印象 ; 刻板威胁
性别刻板印象 ; 性别定型 ; 刻板印象 ; 性别刻版印象
纸型衬纸 ; 铅版衬纸
In social psychology, a stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things. These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality. However, this is only a fundamental psychological definition of a stereotype. Within psychology and spanning across other disciplines, there are different conceptualizations and theories of stereotyping that provide their own expanded definition. Some of these definitions share commonalities, though each one may also harbor unique aspects that may contradict the others.