本文(body):合同主体,对交易条件的具体规定,体现 双方权利和义务的主要内容。 约尾(tail):合同的尾部,包括合同的份数以及缔约双 方的签字和适用法律、惯例等。
尾巴 (TAIL): 尾巴 为中等或中长长度 ,必须与身体相称。 尾巴 应该要有弹性且细细的尖端应可弯曲。
Tail (圣少女)喜欢的颜色,并且取名为仙道真珠,便向圣良求助。)声优(日文原版),也是芽美的好朋友,他们两人双双落入那位奸诈商人...
文章摘要信息 关键词 : 幂律分布 最小二乘法 极大似然估计法 K-S检验 尾部 [gap=986]wer-law distribution,Least squares method,Maximum likelihood estimates,K-S test,Tail
长尾理论 ; 长尾 ; 长尾实际
妖精的尾巴 ; 魔导少年 ; 妖精尾巴 ; 妖精的尾巴主题曲
黄尾袋鼠 ; 黄尾葡萄酒 ; 黄狮鱼 ; 黄尾
The tail is the section at the rear end of an animal's body; in general, the term refers to a distinct, flexible appendage to the torso. It is the part of the body that corresponds roughly to the sacrum and coccyx in mammals, reptiles, and birds. While tails are primarily a feature of vertebrates, some invertebrates including scorpions and springtails, as well as snails and slugs, have tail-like appendages that are sometimes referred to as tails. Tailed objects are sometimes referred to as "caudate" and the part of the body associated with or proximal to the tail are given the adjective "caudal".