... Temperance有节制的frivolous轻佻的 Tepid微温的,温热的,不太热心的 Testiness易怒、暴躁imperturbability沉着、冷静、自若 ...
... rosated烤 tepid温的 cookbook烹调书 ...
... meditative 沉思的,深思的 tepid 温热的,微热的 insightful 有深刻见解的 ...
... meditative:沉思的 tepid:不冷不热的,不热情的 categorical:明确的 ...
In geography, temperate or tepid latitudes of Earth lie between the tropics and the polar regions. The temperatures in these regions are generally relatively moderate, rather than extremely hot or cold, and the changes between summer and winter are also usually moderate.However, in certain areas, such as Asia and central North America, the variations between summer and winter can be extreme because these areas are far away from the sea, causing them to have a continental climate. In regions traditionally considered tropical, localities at high altitudes (e.g. parts of the Andes) may have a temperate climate.