...字样的门。我知道THOR是指托尔,北欧神话中的雷神,奥丁的长子。他是一位非常强壮的神,手持一柄魔法锤,扔出去会雷电大作,然后会飞回他的手里。星期四(Thursday)就是为他命名的。 我转身向右,助跑跳过去踩上灰色的石板,我感觉这是打开了底层的一道暗门,但这是一个苛刻的限时机关。
...蛋瘦肉粥+水煮蛋1只 午饭:米饭1碗+黄瓜一根 点心:蜂蜜一杯,水果1到2个 惺绅寨瞀 晚饭:番茄鸡蛋面+青菜沙拉 周四(THURSDAY):早饭:稀饭1碗+水煮蛋1只 午饭:米饭1碗+冬瓜汤 点心:酸奶1杯 晚饭:米饭一碗+蔬菜+香菇汤 周五(FRIDAY):早饭:胡萝卜南瓜...
It's Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday. 今天是星期四/周一/周二/周三/周四/周五/周六。 67.
... thurifer:司香;拿提炉者:在仪式中手拿香炉的辅祭者。 Thursday:星期四;礼拜四;瞻礼五。 tiara(L.):三重冠;教宗冠:象征教宗之训诲、圣化、治理三项神权,今已废止,只戴一层冠,与主教所戴者相同。 ...
上周四 ; 上星期四 ; 表示过去时间的状语 ; 上周星期四
星期四 ; 油腻星期四
它是星期四 ; 这是星期四
Thursday (i/ˈθɜrzdi/ or /ˈθɜrzdeɪ/) is the day of the week following Wednesday and before Friday. According to the ISO 8601 international standard adopted in most western countries, it is the fourth day of the week. In countries that use the Sunday-first convention, Thursday is defined as the fifth day of the week. It is the fifth day of the week in the Judeo-Christian calendar as well, and was defined so in the ancient Mesopotamian and biblical calendars. The name is derived from Old English Þūnresdæg and Middle English Thuresday, which means "Thor's day".