[海洋] 潮汐
...汐和潮流 表》与潮汐推算 潮流推算 上海海事大学航海教研室 上海海事大学航海教研室 潮汐的基本成因和潮汐术语潮汐现象潮汐(Tide):海面在外力作用下产生的周期性的升降现象。.
...月亮系列产品广泛地进入中国人的家庭、柔顺剂等八种活性剂,再次彰显威莱又一核心品牌的坚实力量,宝洁公司旗下知名品牌汰渍(Tide)是全球第一种合成洗衣粉,始终保持市场份额的第一的领导地位、汰渍 于1946年诞生于美国,其中蓝月亮洗衣液、全效,以低碳环保,奥...
[海洋] 潮流
The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE) is the U.S. Government's central database on known or suspected international terrorists, and contains highly classified information provided by members of the Intelligence Community such as CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA, and many others.There are over one million names in TIDE. In 2008, more than 27,000 names were removed from the list when it was determined they no longer met the criteria for inclusion. According to the FBI, international terrorists include those persons who carry out terrorist activities under foreign direction. For this purpose, they may include U.S. persons (U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents). The Terrorist Identities Group (TIG), located in NCTC's Information Sharing & Knowledge Development Directorate (ISKD), is responsible for building and maintaining TIDE.From the classified TIDE database, an unclassified, but sensitive, extract is provided to the FBI's Terrorist Screening Center, which compiles the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).This database, in turn, is used to compile various watch lists such as the TSA's No Fly List, State Department's Consular Lookout and Support System, Homeland Security's Interagency Border Inspection System, and FBI's NCIC (National Crime Information Center) for state and local law enforcement.