/ tɪnt /
/ tɪnt /
  • 简明
  • 柯林斯
  • n.浅色,淡色调;染发剂,染发;一丝;(用平行线表现阴影的)线晕;(印刷)底色
  • v.给……轻微染色;染(发)
  • 【名】 (Tint)(缅)丁(人名)
  • GRE/
    • 复数

    • 第三人称单数

    • 现在分词

    • 过去式

    • 过去分词

  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1


    基于489个网页-相关网页TINT色调(Tint): 用统一色调为实例着色.施用颜色吸取器,或者输入红色,绿颜色,蓝色值,或者施xp右键菜单修改器用滑杆设定色调的百分点.

  • 2

    [光] 色彩

    色彩 (Tint):用于修改素材剪辑,产生染色效果。

  • 3


    ... fugitive 易褪色的,不坚牢的 tint 淡色,极浅着色:易褪着色;明调(含白) seventy 剧度,激烈 ...

  • 4


    ... tinting浮脏;浮墨;起脏印刷故障 tinting着色;染色 tintingcolor着色颜料 ...

  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint.
  • 2
    We rose-tint our memories and put ourselves into self-affirming situations.
  • 3
    You'll need the dark tint in the south.
  • 同近义词
  • 同根词
  • 词源
  • 百科
  • Tint

    In color theory, a tint is the mixture of a color with white, which increases lightness, and a shade is the mixture of a color with black, which reduces lightness. A tone is produced either by the mixture of a color with gray, or by both tinting and shading. Mixing a color with any neutral color (including black, gray and white) reduces the chroma, or colorfulness, while the hue remains unchanged.In common language, the term "shade" can be generalized to furthermore encompass any varieties of a particular color, whether technically they are shades, tints, tones, or slightly different hues.When mixing colored light (additive color models), the achromatic mixture of spectrally balanced red, green and blue (RGB) is always white, not gray or black. When we mix colorants, such as the pigments in paint mixtures, a color is produced which is always darker and lower in chroma, or saturation, than the parent colors. This moves the mixed color toward a neutral color—a gray or near-black. Lights are made brighter or dimmer by adjusting their brightness, or energy level; in painting, lightness is adjusted through mixture with white, black or a color's complement.It is common among some artistic painters to darken a paint color by adding black paint—producing colors called shades—or to lighten a color by adding white—producing colors called tints. However, this is not always the best way for representational painting, since an unfortunate result is for colors to also shift in their hues. For instance, darkening a color by adding black can cause colors such as yellows, reds and oranges, to shift toward the greenish or bluish part of the spectrum. Lightening a color by adding white can cause a shift towards blue[clarification needed] when mixed with reds and oranges. Another practice when darkening a color is to use its opposite, or complementary, color (e.g. violet-purple added to yellowish-green) in order to neutralize it without a shift in hue, and darken it if the additive color is darker than the parent color. When lightening a color this hue shift can be corrected with the addition of a small amount of an adjacent color to bring the hue of the mixture back in line with the parent color (e.g. adding a small amount of orange to a mixture of red and white will correct the tendency of this mixture to shift slightly towards the blue end of the spectrum).
