...lk): 要求患者说一句简单句子(要有条理,有连贯性),如今天天气晴朗。口齿不清或说话鼻音重提示脑卒中可能。 T : 舌头(tongue):要求患者伸出舌头 ,如舌头弯曲或偏向一边,就是中风征兆.
塞来昔布对Tca8113细胞侵袭性影响的体外研究 关键词]塞来昔布;鳞状细胞癌;舌;侵袭 [gap=1098]Key words】celecoxib;squamous cell carcinoma;tongue;invasion
...净整洁,经过特殊设计,使用新材料,以及新的结构,使得内衬容易从鞋中移除,清洗时候注意水温度在30°C 或者85°F。鞋舌(Tongue)鞋舌内侧的毛料将使脚和楔子有更多直接接触,并且有带扣支持这着内衬,将有利于防止鞋舌下滑。
在台湾被称为「国语。不知道你指的是语言(tongue)还是文字(character)?文字又分作繁体中文(Traditional Chinese)及简体中文(Simple Chinese),我现在写的字就是后者。
The tongue is a muscular hydrostat on the floors of the mouths of most vertebrates which manipulates food for mastication. It is the primary organ of taste (gustation), as much of the upper surface of the tongue is covered in papillae and taste buds. It is sensitive and kept moist by saliva, and is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels. In humans a secondary function of the tongue is phonetic articulation. The tongue also serves as a natural means of cleaning one's teeth. The ability to perceive different tastes is not localised in different parts of the tongue, as is widely believed. This error arose because of misinterpretation of some 19th-century research (see tongue map).