[铁路] 火车
一、训练模式 (N 外部的主控制器发出训练(Train)指令再紧跟着参数“N” 为欲训练的组数)即可使语音识别电路进入训练模式,之后外部的主控制器需提供提示信号给使用者,认使用者...
... 铁路局的工作 railroad employment 铁路列车 train 铁路系统退休理事会 Railroad Retirement Board ...
快速列车 ; 快车 ; 特快列车
火车怪客 ; 列车上的陌生人 ; 火车上的陌生人 ; 追魂记
战斗列车 ; 火车 ; 铁路敢死队 ; 月光列车
The Redstone Acceleration & Innovation Network (TRAIN) is an organization launched by FasterCures in 2004 established to create opportunities for medical research organizations to discuss and overcome research challenges that cut across all diseases. TRAIN brings together nonprofit disease research organizations to share information, as well as promote collaboration and innovation in disease research. Headed by FasterCures, TRAIN asserts that collaboration is crucial for efficient biomedical advancement. Participating researchers discuss successes, failures, and best practices that provide lessons learned and valuable ideas that could be scaled up to amplify productivity.Originally named “The Research Acceleration & Innovation Network,” TRAIN was renamed to “The Redstone Acceleration & Innovation Network” in order to honor a generous grant contribution from Sumner Redstone and the Sumner M. Redstone Charitable Foundation.