[机] 托盘
... 盼望;期待:look forward to 盘;托盘:tray 派送;分发;(乱)给(批评,处分,忠告等):hand out ...
货物已由“太平洋”号航轮启运,在上海由“胜利”号航轮转运 tray货盘 tray conveyor盘式输送机带 ..
糖果盘 ; 糖因盘 ; 果盘 ; 皮糖盘
装餐具的容器 ; 餐具盘 ; 装炊具的器皿 ; 装炊具的容器
电缆槽 ; 电缆盘 ; 电缆桥架 ; 电缆托架
A tray is a shallow platform designed for carrying things. It can be fashioned from numerous materials, including silver, brass, sheet iron, wood, melamine, and papier-mâché. Some examples have raised galleries, handles, and short feet for support.Trays are flat, but with raised edges to stop things from sliding off of them. They are made in a range of shapes but are commonly found in oval or rectangular forms, sometimes with cutout or attached handles with which to carry them.