[法] 条约
国际经济法网--中国国际经济法学会官方站点 关键词] 条约 法律效力 地位 适用 [gap=465]Keywords]treaty;legalforce;status;application
...国提高力度,也体现了包括中国在内的新兴市场国家的让步;而美国国务卿克里在巴黎大会前就声明巴黎大会将不会达成协议(Treaty),最终巴黎大会达成的也是“巴黎气候协定”(Paris Climate Agreement),并把减排等目标放在了不具法律约束力的大会决定里。
... an unexpected outcome出人意料的后果 sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement签署协议 diplomatically isolated country在内政上被孤立的国度 ...
巴黎条约 ; 巴黎条约 ; 巴黎公约
马斯特里赫特条约 ; 马城条约 ; 马斯垂克条约 ; 马城公约
罗马条约 ; 罗马公约 ; 羅马条约
A treaty is an agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely sovereign states and international organizations. A treaty may also be known as an (international) agreement, protocol, covenant, convention, pact, or exchange of letters, among other terms. Regardless of terminology, all of these forms of agreements are, under international law, equally considered treaties and the rules are the same.Treaties can be loosely compared to contracts: both are means of willing parties assuming obligations among themselves, and a party to either that fails to live up to their obligations can be held liable under international law.